Grading Age 3-7 Years

White red belt

Grading to Pre White Red Stripe

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.
White Yellow belt

Grading to Pre White Yellow Stripe

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Red

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.
Red White Belt

Grading to Red White Stripe

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Yellow

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.
Yellow white stripe

Grading to Yellow White Stripe

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Orange

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.
Orange White Stripe

Grading to Orange White Stripe

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Green

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.
Green White Stripe

Grading to Green White Stripe

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Blue

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.
Blue White Stripe

Grading to Blue White Stripe

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Purple

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Purple White

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Brown

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Brown White

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Brown Black

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Grading to Black

*If you do not have x6 tags please contact your instructor to see if you are ready to grade.

Order of grades:

PRE GRADES: Age 4-7 years

  1. White Belt (Pre Grade Age 4-7 years)
  2. White Red Belt (Pre Grade Age 4-7 years)
  3. White Yellow Belt (Pre Grade Age 4-7 years)
  4. Red Belt
  5. Red White Stripe
  6. Yellow Belt
  7. Yellow White Stripe
  8. Orange Belt
  9. Orange White Stripe
  10. Green Belt
  11. Green White Stripe
  12. Blue Belt
  13. Blue White Stripe
  14. Purple Belt
  15. Purple White Belt
  16. Brown Belt

-After white yellow belt student then grades to Red Belt on the kids, teens & adults syllabus

GRADES: kids, teens & adults:

  1. White Belt
  2. Red Belt
  3. Yellow Belt
  4. Orange Belt
  5. Green Belt
  6. Blue Belt
  7. Purple Belt
  8. Purple White Belt
  9. Brown Belt